Breast Cancer 360


The NanoString Breast Cancer 360 panel provides a unique 360-degree view of gene expression for the breast tumor microenvironment and immune response to help assess immunotherapy efficacy. With the NanoString Breast Cancer 360 panel, researchers can now more quickly decode the complexities of breast cancer biology, develop novel breast cancer gene signatures, and categorize disease heterogeneity.

Panel benefits


Expertly curated, comprehensive content includes 770 genes across 23 key breast cancer pathways and processes


Conduct immune cell population abundance of: Cytotoxic Cells, CD8+ T Cells, Macrophages, Mast Cells, Tregs

Details & data

The NanoString Breast Cancer 360 panel includes expertly curated 770 genes across 23 categories of breast cancer tumor biology to support the evaluation of pathways and process, as well as novel signature development.

Cell CycleER SignalingChromatin ModificationHedgehogMAPKWnt

Triple Negative Tumor BiologyCancer Progression EMTImmune Cell Marker
Tumor MetabolismMicroenvironment Tissue MarkerImmune Infiltration
Tumor ProliferationCancer ProgressionImmune Response
Tumor SuppressionAngiogenesis

Genes in panel

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(155 KB)

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Published use of this panel

Perou CM, Sørlie T, Eisen MB, et al. Molecular portraits of human breast tumours. Nature. 2000;406(6797):747-52.2.
