Autoimmune Profiling

Human and Mouse

Designed to study chronic inflammatory diseases, immune-related adverse affects, and autoimmune disease, this 770 gene panel combines comprehensive content and the robustness of the nCounter assay. Focusing on 35 pathways and processes, the autoimmune profiling panel allows for the evaluation of immune system dysfunction, helping to understand therapeutic mechanism of action, immuno-therapy induced adverse reactions, and discovery of disease and therapeutic specific biomarkers. In addition, the panel is designed to cover adaptive and innate immune system reactions associated with the 6 most common autoimmune diseases and uses unique cell profiling data to measure the abundance of immune cell type providing powerful insights into immune system response.



For use in therapeutic mechanism of action (MOA) studies and immuno-therapy induced adverse event investigations.


Aids in the discovery and validation of disease and therapeutic specific biomarkers.


Profiles 35 pathways and processes, the top 6 autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases, and 8 therapeutic target categories for a comprehensive view of immune system dysfunction.


Development of predictive signatures of drug response, and compatible with challenging sample types such as PBMCs and FFPE.

Details & data

The 35 pathways and processes in this panel provide a comprehensive view into immune system dysfunction in autoimmune disease and treatment-induced adverse immune events.

Autoimmune Profiling Pathways and Processes
AutoantigensApoptosisAutophagyB-Cell Receptor SignalingChemokine Signaling
Complement SystemCytosolic DNA SensingCytotoxicityEndothelial ActivationEpigenetics and Transcriptional Signaling
Fc Receptors and PhagocytosisGrowth Factor SignalingImmunometabolismInflammasomesInterleukin-12 Signaling
Other Interleukin SignalingLymphocyte TraffickingMHC Class II Antigen PresentationMHC Class II Antigen PresentationmTOR
NF-kB SignalingNLR SignalingOxidative StressT-cell Checkpoint SignalingT-cell Receptor Signaling
TGF-Beta SignalingTh1 DifferentiationTh2 DifferentiationTh17 DifferentiationTh17 Mediated Biology
TNF Family SignalingToll Like Receptor SignalingTreg DifferentiationType I Interferon SignalingType II Interferon Signaling

Immune Cell Profiling: Relative Cell Type Abundance

The Autoimmune Profiling Panels provide unique cell profiling data to measure the relative abundance of immune cell types; helpful in the development of predictive signatures of drug response.

Cell Type
# Human Genes
# Mouse Genes
B Cells98
CD8 T cells22
Cytotoxic Cells109
Dendritic Cells33
Exhausted CD844
Mast cells43
NK CD56dim cells32
NK Cells21
T cells66
Th1 Cells11

This panel is designed around the study of the 6 most common and debilitating autoimmune diseases, highlighted in the table below. However, the gene content provides powerful immune system information for the research of any autoimmune or chronic inflammatory disease.

Rheumatoid ArthritisChronic inflammatory disorder that impacts the lining of joints.
Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseChronic inflammation of the digestive tract.
Type 1 DiabetesAutoimmune disease where the immune system mistakenly attacks the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas.
Multiple SclerosisDemyelinating disease that disrupts communication within the nervous system.
Systemic Lupus ErythematosusChronic inflammatory disease that manifests systemically throughout the body.
PsoriasisImmune-mediated disease that causes skin cells to rapidly build up on the surface of the skin.
Induced Adverse Immune EventsCertain treatments and infections have been reported to interfere with the immune system and induce a series of autoimmune disease or adverse immune-related events.

Targets for Approved and Investigational Therapies

For researchers focusing on treatments of autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases, the autoimmune profiling panel includes targets for more than 30 approved and investigational therapies to understand therapeutic mechanism of action and validation of therapeutic biomarkers.

Therapeutic Target Categories
B-cell TargetsImmune Cell Signaling
Immune Checkpoint and Co-Stimulatory TargetsInnate and Adaptive Immune-Related Interleukins
Toll-like ReceptorsTumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)
Type I and II InterferonsOther Immunomodulatory Agents

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Autoimmune Profiling


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Product Price $5,459.00 x 1 $5,459.00
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