Naveni® in situ Proximity Ligation Technology Services

Innovative in situ spatial proteomic assays from Navinci

Proximity ligation technology provides a flexible solution to detect proteins, protein-protein interactions, and post-translational modifications in FFPE tissue. We have partnered with Navinci to offer their target specific and NaveniFlex kits in our services lab, enabling visualization and quantification of proteins in situ at the molecular level.

Naveni in situ Proximity Ligation Technology

Building on traditional proximity ligation assay technology, Navinci’s Naveni in situ proximity ligation technology uses a fluorescence-based methodology that overcomes common background challenges in tissue samples and allows for the visualization of low abundance proteins. NaveniFlex kits enable the specific and sensitive fluorescent detection of protein-protein interactions and post-translational modifications.

Target-Specific Kits & Custom Options

Navinci offers target-specific kits for detection of PD1/PDL1 and CD8/MHC-1. Additionally, the NaveniFlex kit enables you to use your own primary antibodies, providing flexibility and confidence to your individual study. NaveniFlex Kits are available targeting goat/mouse, goat/rabbit, and mouse/rabbit antibody pairs.

Expand Discovery with VistaPlex

We can utilize Navinci technology on our CellScape™ platform, pairing protein interaction data with high-plex targeted spatial proteomics. Use one of our VistaPlex™ Multiplex Assay kits following a proximity ligation assay for deeper analysis into the cell types involved in the observed protein-protein interactions.

Learn more about Canopy’s Naveni Proximity Ligation Services


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